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Monday, June 16, 2008

The Best Universal Remote Control

I present my two picks for the best universal remote control:

Universal Remote Control MX-500

This universal remote control will control up to 10 devices and will learn from almost any remote control that you have. It includes ten "soft keys" for each device, which means you can program the label for each of ten keys on the LCD.

However, and this is the important part, none of the keys are on a touch screen. This means that you can easily feel the keys when watching television and don't have to look down, or turn on the lights, to find the right button.

The remote also has the ability to program macros so that one button will perform multiple tasks, like turning on each component. Also when you select a component, the remote can send a command to your TV or stereo to change the input.

$74.58 at

Universal Remote Control MX-850

For those rare circumstances where you can't get the MX-500 to learn something (many phillips products and some high end home theater components), or if you want to control devices in other rooms using radio frequencies instead of just infrared, this is the best, but its pricey. Unlike the MX-500, you program this remote using your computer, and if can learn even the most difficult remote codes.
$209 at

If you don't like these, check-out Universal Remote's entire line at

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