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Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Best Wireless Headphones

I present my pick for the best wireless headphones:

Sennheiser RS 140 Wireless Headphones

These are perfect if you want to watch TV, and your mate is trying to sleep.

Overall, I like these headphones a lot. Here's what I really, really like and one thing that I don't:

1. In order to charge them, you just set the headphone band on top of the base station. Two metal strips inside the headband sit on top of two metal bars on the base station and it immediately begins charging. It is very, very easy. My old JVC headphones required me to hook-up a separate cable by plugging it in and unplugging it. A pair of Sony headphones that I tried required you to set the headphones on the base station in a very particular way, or it wouldn't make contact.

2. It has a smart charging system. This means that when the battery is full, it slows to a trickle charge, and you don't have to worry about overcharging and killing the batteries.

3. The sound is quite good. No, it is not as good as a set of top quality wired headphones, but that is not what these are for. And the sound is still much better than listening to the audio from the TV speakers across the room. In using the headphones, I've noticed a lot of details that I would have otherwise missed.

4. The headphones do a fairly good job of blocking out other room noise. This makes them excellent when my daughter and wife are chatting and I just want to watch TV.

5. They make cool beeping sounds. When the battery is low, when the TV is not providing an audio feed, or when you turn them off, they produce a distinct series of three beeps. The unit offers an option to turn these noises off, and I originally assumed that I would do so. However, I came to find the beeping noises quite helpful. For instance, if you turn off your TV and forget to turn off the headphones, a short series of beeps will remind you. Likewise, if you inadvertently turn them off, another short series of beeps lets you know that is what happened. The beeps are not intrusive and are generated inside the headphones. They aren't loud enought to disturb anyone, and you can turn them off if you don't want them.

Here's what I don't like about these headphones:

1. The balance control is too easily bumped. If you're lying in bed and your head is against the pillow, it is too easy to bump the left to right balance knob. The knob is located on the lower rear of the right headphone. It should be on the front, so that it won't get bumped. However, it doesn't happen very often, so its really a minor complaint.

Around $150.00 at

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