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Sunday, March 25, 2007

How to Save Money on Your Cellular Phone

There are two easy ways to save money on your cellular phone.

1. Most cellular companies have employee/student discounts. Just click on the appropriate link and enter your work/school e-mail address, and you may save up to 25% on your cellular bill:


Sprint PCS:


If these links don't work, just type in the name of your cellular provider and "employee discounts" and the appropriate link will show up.

2. Most cellular companies have special departments that handle customers who call to cancel their service. These departments are empowered to make special deals to keep departing customers, even if you are on a contract.

Just call your cellular provider and tell them that you are thinking about cancelling your service, and ask for the retention department. Explain that the service just costs too much money and see what they say.

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